Montrose’s team of expert clinicians and practitioners are experienced in treating a wide range of conditions. Our comprehensive assessments ensure that each guests’ bespoke treatment programme responds uniquely to their needs.
Rather than viewing neurodiverse conditions as disorders or deficits, at Montrose we understand that they are natural variations of the human brain and should be accepted and respected.
Our treatment approaches focus on creating inclusive environments, promoting acceptance, and providing support that allows individuals to thrive and maximise their strengths.
Key principles and strategies of our neurodiversity-informed approach
Acceptance and celebration: Neurodiversity emphasises accepting and celebrating the unique strengths, abilities, and perspectives of individuals with neurological differences. We promote a positive outlook that acknowledges the value of diverse ways of thinking and being.
Accommodations and accessibility: We help to create inclusive environments involving providing accommodations and removing barriers that can hinder the participation and success of neurodivergent individuals. Self-advocacy and empowerment: Encouraging self-advocacy skills and self-determination is an important aspect of a neurodiversity-informed approach. Our expert support team helps individuals understand their strengths, challenges, and rights, and supports them in advocating for their needs and preferences.
Support networks and communities: Building supportive networks and communities can provide individuals with a sense of belonging, understanding, and mutual support. We help you to connect with others who share similar experiences, which can be empowering and help combat isolation.
Education and awareness: Promoting education and awareness about neurodiversity is key to fostering understanding and reducing stigma. Individualised support: We recognise that every person's needs and preferences are unique, and our neurodiversity-informed approach emphasises bespoke support plans. This involves tailoring interventions, accommodations, and strategies to each guest’s specific strengths, challenges, and goals.
Your bespoke treatment plan may include behavioural interventions, occupational therapy, speech therapy, or other evidence-based practices that address specific challenges or promote skill development.
If you or someone you know is seeking support, our team of clinicians and therapists have extensive experience working from a neurodiversity-informed perspective. At Montrose, we can provide guidance, resources, and individualised support that aligns with the principles of neurodiverse-positivity and helps you and your family thrive.

Alcohol dependency is a complex disorder that affects both physical and mental health, and it can have significant impacts on numerous aspects of a person's life. At Montrose, we understand that alcohol dependency is a recognised medical condition that can affect individuals of any age, gender, or background, and it often develops gradually over time.
Key features and characteristics of alcohol dependency:
Craving and loss of control: Individuals with alcohol dependency experience strong and persistent cravings for alcohol. They have difficulty controlling or stopping their drinking once they start, often leading to excessive consumption or binge drinking.
Tolerance and withdrawal symptoms: Over time, people with alcohol dependency may develop tolerance, requiring increasing amounts of alcohol to achieve the desired effects. When alcohol consumption is reduced or stopped, they may experience withdrawal symptoms, such as tremors, anxiety, sweating, nausea, and even seizures.
Priority and preoccupation: Alcohol becomes a primary focus in the lives of individuals with alcohol dependency. They may spend a significant amount of time obtaining alcohol, planning drinking episodes, and recovering from its effects, often at the expense of other important activities and responsibilities.
Negative consequences: Alcohol dependency can lead to various negative consequences in a person's life. These may include problems with relationships, employment difficulties, financial troubles, legal issues, health problems (both physical and mental), and social isolation.
Loss of interest and neglect of activities: As alcohol becomes central to an individual's life, they may lose interest in previously enjoyable activities and neglect responsibilities, hobbies, and relationships that were once important to them.
Failed attempts to quit or cut back: Despite awareness of the negative consequences and repeated attempts to quit or cut back on alcohol consumption, individuals with alcohol dependency often struggle to maintain sobriety.
Our treatment for alcohol dependency typically involves a combination of approaches that are always tailored to the needs of each individual guest, and may include medical interventions, therapy, 12-step support groups, and lifestyle modifications.
If you or someone you know is struggling with alcohol dependency, seeking professional help is essential. Our world-beating team of clinicians, addiction specialists and counsellors can provide a comprehensive assessment, guidance, and support tailored to your specific needs.
Also known as substance use disorder (SUD), drug addiction is a chronic and relapsing condition characterised by the compulsive use of drugs despite negative consequences. It is a complex disorder that affects both physical and mental health, leading to significant impairment across all areas of a person's life.
Key features and characteristics of drug addiction
Compulsive drug use: Individuals with drug addiction experience an intense and uncontrollable urge to use drugs. They may be unable to control or limit their drug use, leading to frequent and excessive consumption.
Tolerance and withdrawal symptoms: Over time, individuals with drug addiction may develop tolerance, requiring larger amounts of the drug to achieve the desired effect. When drug use is reduced or stopped, they may experience withdrawal symptoms, which can vary depending on the specific drug but may include physical and psychological discomfort.
Loss of control and priority: Drug addiction often leads to a loss of control over one's drug use. It becomes a primary focus, and individuals may spend a significant amount of time and effort obtaining drugs, using them, and recovering from their effects. Other important activities, responsibilities, and relationships may be neglected or abandoned.
Negative consequences: Drug addiction can have severe negative consequences in multiple areas of a person's life. These can include problems with relationships, employment difficulties, financial struggles, legal issues, declining physical and mental health, and social isolation.
Failed attempts to quit or cut back: Despite recognizing the negative consequences and making repeated efforts to quit or reduce drug use, individuals with drug addiction often struggle to maintain abstinence. Relapse is common, and the cycle of quitting and returning to drug use can be challenging to break.
Craving and preoccupation: Individuals with drug addiction often experience intense cravings for the drug, accompanied by a preoccupation with obtaining and using it. This preoccupation can interfere with daily functioning and lead to compulsive drug-seeking behaviours.
At Montrose, we treat all kinds of addictions, including illicit drugs (including cocaine, heroin, and methamphetamine) as well as legal substances (such as prescription medications, alcohol, or nicotine).
Our treatment for drug addiction involves a comprehensive approach that addresses the physical, psychological, and social aspects of each individual guest. Our bespoke treatment programme includes medical interventions (such as detoxification and medication-assisted therapy), therapy (such as cognitive-behavioural therapy or CBT), 12-step support groups, and supported lifestyle changes.
If you or someone you know is struggling with drug addiction, seeking professional help is crucial. Our team of experts is always on hand to provide an accurate assessment, effective treatment and long-term support to live a fulfilling life free from addiction.

Stress can have both positive and negative effects. In moderate amounts, it can motivate and enhance performance, known as eustress. When stress becomes overwhelming or chronic, however, it can have a profoundly negative effect on our mental and physical well-being.
Headaches: Stress can cause tension headaches or migraines, leading to persistent pain that can negatively impact daily activities and overall well-being.
Fatigue: Chronic stress often leads to fatigue and a feeling of exhaustion, making it challenging to concentrate, stay motivated, or engage in regular activities.
Sleep disturbances: Stress can disrupt the sleep cycle, causing difficulties in falling asleep, staying asleep, or experiencing restful sleep. This can result in insomnia or waking up feeling unrefreshed, further exacerbating the effects of stress on mental and physical health.
Changes in appetite: Some individuals may experience an increase in cravings and consume more food, especially high-calorie and sugary snacks. Conversely, others may have a reduced appetite, leading to weight loss and nutritional deficiencies.
Muscle tension: Prolonged muscle tension in the neck, shoulders and back can lead to pain, discomfort, and limited range of motion, impacting daily activities and contributing to further stress and anxiety.
Digestive issues: Stress affects the normal functioning of the digestive system, leading to digestive problems, such as stomachaches, indigestion, bloating, and even exacerbating conditions like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
Mood changes: Stress often influences mood, resulting in irritability, agitation, or a sense of being overwhelmed. It can also contribute to feelings of sadness, anxiety, or depression, further impacting emotional well-being and interpersonal relationships.
Cognitive difficulties: Stress can impair cognitive function, making it challenging to concentrate, remember information, or make decisions. It can also lead to mental fog, reduced productivity, and difficulties in organising and prioritising tasks.
Increased heart rate: When stressed, the body releases stress hormones that increase heart rate and blood pressure. Persistent elevation of these physiological responses can have long-term cardiovascular implications and may contribute to the development of heart disease.
Weakened immune system: Chronic stress can weaken the immune system, making individuals more susceptible to infections, frequent illnesses, and delayed healing. Stress hormones suppress immune function, reducing the body's ability to fight off pathogens effectively.
Stress is often a precursor to burnout, so it’s crucial to treat symptoms of stress before they escalate. Our world-class team uses the latest biotech and cutting-edge clinical practices to assess the impact of stress on your physical and emotional state.
Burnout is characterised by feelings of cynicism, detachment, emotional exhaustion, and reduced sense of accomplishment. Burnout can significantly impact overall well-being, performance, and quality of life if it’s not addressed effectively.
It's important to note that while stress is primarily caused by external factors, burnout is more closely related to chronic and unmanaged stress, and it involves a more profound sense of physical and emotional depletion.
Exhaustion: Burnout often leads to a persistent sense of physical and emotional exhaustion, where individuals feel drained, lacking energy, and find it challenging to cope with daily tasks.
Decreased performance: Burnout can result in reduced productivity and effectiveness in work or other areas of life. Individuals may struggle to concentrate, make decisions, or maintain their usual level of performance, leading to feelings of frustration and self-doubt.
Detachment and cynicism: People experiencing burnout may develop a cynical or negative attitude towards their work or personal life. They may feel detached or emotionally distant from their responsibilities, colleagues, or loved ones, and may experience a loss of enjoyment or satisfaction in activities they previously found fulfilling.
Emotional instability: Burnout can manifest as heightened emotional responses, such as increased irritability, mood swings, or a tendency to become more easily frustrated or tearful. These emotional changes can impact relationships and overall well-being.
Physical symptoms: Burnout can manifest in various physical symptoms, including headaches, muscle pain, gastrointestinal issues (such as stomach aches or digestive problems), and frequent illnesses due to a weakened immune system.
Insomnia or sleep disturbances: Burnout can disrupt the sleep cycle, leading to difficulties falling asleep, staying asleep, or experiencing restful sleep. Individuals may find themselves lying awake with racing thoughts, further exacerbating fatigue and exhaustion.
If you're experiencing chronic stress or symptoms of burnout, it’s imperative to seek professional support. Our bespoke residential services are designed to provide gold-standard treatment in a discreet environment.

Common types of anxiety disorders include generalised anxiety disorder (GAD), social anxiety disorder (SAD), specific phobias, and separation anxiety disorder.
Key features of anxiety disorders include
Excessive worry or fear: Individuals with anxiety disorders experience persistent and intrusive worry or fear that is difficult to control. The intensity and duration of these feelings are disproportionate to the actual threat or situation.
Physical symptoms: Anxiety disorders often manifest with physical symptoms such as restlessness, irritability, muscle tension, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, sleep disturbances, and increased heart rate.
Impact on daily life: Anxiety disorders can significantly interfere with daily functioning, relationships, work, and social activities.
Chronicity: Anxiety disorders are typically chronic, with symptoms lasting for at least six months or longer.
Anxiety disorders can be effectively treated with a suite of interventions we offer at Montrose. These may include therapy (such as cognitive-behavioural therapy or CBT), medications (such as selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors or SSRIs), and positive changes to your lifestyle.
Our team of expert clinicians will provide an accurate diagnosis and an effective treatment plan which is tailored to each guest’s individual needs.
We understand that the right assessment and treatment is crucial in processing and healing from traumatic experiences. Traumatic events are often unexpected, life-threatening, or involve the threat of physical or emotional harm.
Key aspects of trauma include
Types of trauma: Trauma can be categorised into different types, including acute trauma, which results from a single incident such as an accident, assault, or natural disaster; chronic trauma, which occurs repeatedly over an extended period, such as ongoing abuse or neglect; and complex trauma, which involves multiple and varied traumatic experiences, often starting in childhood and affecting various aspects of development.
Impact on individuals: Traumatic events can have a profound impact on individuals' mental, emotional, and physical well-being. They can disrupt the individual's sense of safety, trust, and security, and may lead to various psychological symptoms such as intrusive memories, flashbacks, nightmares, avoidance behaviours, emotional numbness, hypervigilance, difficulties with concentration, and sleep disturbances.
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): In some cases, individuals who experience trauma may develop Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), which is a specific mental health condition. PTSD involves persistent and intrusive symptoms related to the traumatic event(s), including re-experiencing the trauma, avoiding reminders of the event, negative changes in thoughts and mood, and heightened arousal and reactivity.
Trauma responses: Traumatic experiences can elicit a range of emotional and behavioural responses. These responses can vary among individuals and may include shock, fear, anger, sadness, guilt, dissociation, withdrawal, self-destructive behaviours, or difficulty forming and maintaining relationships.
Trauma-informed care: Recognising the widespread impact of trauma, there is an increasing emphasis on trauma-informed care, which involves creating an environment of safety, trust, and compassion for individuals who have experienced trauma. This approach aims to promote healing, resilience, and empowerment, and to avoid re-traumatisation.
At Montrose, we understand that individuals respond to trauma in unique ways, and the effects of trauma can be long-lasting. That’s why our mental health professionals, therapists and counsellors who specialise in trauma take a completely unique approach to each guest.

Panic attacks are often accompanied by physical symptoms such as a racing heart, shortness of breath, chest pain, dizziness, sweating, trembling, and a sense of impending doom or loss of control.
Key features of panic disorder include
Recurrent panic attacks: Panic disorder involves experiencing recurrent, unexpected panic attacks. People with panic disorder often worry about having future panic attacks and may make significant changes in their behaviour to avoid triggering an attack.
Fear of panic attacks: The fear of experiencing panic attacks and the associated physical and psychological distress can lead to anticipatory anxiety, which may result in agoraphobia—a fear of being in situations or places where escape may be difficult or embarrassing.
Impact on daily life: Panic disorder can significantly impact an individual's quality of life, making them avoid certain situations or activities due to fear of having a panic attack.
Panic disorder can be effectively treated with a suite of interventions we offer at Montrose. These may include therapy (such as cognitive-behavioural therapy or CBT), medications (such as selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors or SSRIs), and positive changes to your lifestyle.
Our team of expert clinicians will provide an accurate diagnosis and an effective treatment plan which is tailored to each guest’s individual needs.
Overeating is the term used to describe the act of consuming more food than is necessary for the body's energy needs or satiety. It involves eating beyond the point of feeling comfortably full or eating in larger quantities than is typical for a person.
Some of the factors that contribute to overeating include:
Emotional eating: Using food as a way to cope with or regulate emotions, such as stress, sadness, boredom, or loneliness.
External cues: Being influenced by environmental factors like the presence of food, portion sizes, advertising, or social situations that encourage eating.
Lack of mindfulness: Eating mindlessly or not paying attention to physical hunger and fullness cues, leading to overeating.
Restrictive dieting: Following overly restrictive diets that may lead to feelings of deprivation, triggering episodes of overeating or binge eating.
Food addiction: Some individuals may develop a compulsive relationship with food, experiencing cravings and loss of control around certain foods, similar to addiction patterns.
Risks associated with overeating include weight gain, obesity, digestive problems, insulin resistance, and increased risk of chronic conditions like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and certain cancers. It can also contribute to feelings of guilt, shame, and a negative body image, which can have a negative impact on your mental well-being.
If overeating becomes a chronic or distressing behaviour, our team of healthcare professionals, registered dieticians and therapists who specialise in eating disorders is here to help.
Our world-class clinicians will provide guidance on developing healthy eating habits, and addressing emotional triggers, helping you to transform your relationship with food for sustained physical and emotional health.

Binge eating disorder is a serious condition that can have significant physical, emotional, and social consequences. It can lead to weight gain, obesity, and related health problems, as well as negatively impact self-esteem, body image, and overall well-being.
Binge eating episodes are typically accompanied by feelings of guilt, shame, and distress.
Key features of binge eating include:
Excessive food consumption: During a binge eating episode, individuals eat significantly larger amounts of food than most people would consume in a similar period under similar circumstances. The eating is rapid and feels out of control.
Loss of control: Binge eaters experience a sense of being unable to control or stop eating during episodes. They often report feeling driven to continue eating, even when they are physically uncomfortable or no longer hungry.
Emotional distress: Binge eating episodes are typically associated with negative emotions such as shame, guilt, and distress. Individuals may use food as a way to cope with or soothe emotional discomfort.
Absence of compensatory behaviours: Unlike other eating disorders like bulimia nervosa, individuals with binge eating disorder do not engage in inappropriate compensatory behaviours like self-induced vomiting, excessive exercise, or the misuse of laxatives or diuretics to counteract the binge eating episodes.
If you or someone you know is struggling with binge eating, it is important to seek professional help. Our team includes clinicians, therapists, registered dietitians and eating disorder specialists, and we can provide a range of support and treatment options. Recovery from binge eating disorder is possible with the right support and treatment from Montrose.
Gambling addiction is recognised as a diagnosable mental health disorder, and we understand that it can affect anyone, regardless of age, gender, or socioeconomic status. The availability of online gambling has also increased the accessibility and potential for gambling addiction exponentially.
Key features and characteristics of gambling addiction include:
Preoccupation with gambling: Individuals with a gambling addiction often think about gambling frequently. They may constantly plan future gambling activities, relive past gambling experiences, or strategise ways to obtain money for gambling.
Loss of control: People with a gambling addiction find it challenging to control or stop their gambling behaviour. They may make unsuccessful attempts to cut back or quit gambling altogether.
Increased tolerance: Over time, individuals with a gambling addiction may require larger and riskier bets to experience the same level of excitement or satisfaction. This can lead to a cycle of chasing losses and taking greater risks.
Withdrawal symptoms: When attempting to reduce or stop gambling, individuals with a gambling addiction may experience restlessness, irritability, or other withdrawal-like symptoms.
Negative consequences: Gambling addiction can have severe negative consequences on various aspects of life. It may lead to financial problems, strained relationships, legal issues, loss of employment, and emotional distress.
At Montrose, our bespoke programme for gambling addiction involves a combination of psychological interventions, such as cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT), motivational interviewing, and support groups. The primary goals of Montrose’s treatment are to address the underlying causes of the addiction, develop healthier coping strategies, and prevent relapse.
If you or someone you know is struggling with a gambling addiction, we can help. Our expert team includes mental health professionals and world-class addiction specialists who are able to assess your individual needs and create a programme that is tailored to you.

Our Family Summit Retreats give your family time and space dedicated to engaging in open and constructive discussions about important topics, goals, and challenges within the family. Montrose has a suite of services and therapists that can facilitate opportunities for family members to reconnect, strengthen relationships, and work towards shared objectives.
Key aspects of our Family Retreats include
Goal-setting and planning: Identifying and clarifying the purpose and goals of the gathering. This may involve discussing specific family issues, making decisions about family assets or businesses, setting financial or educational goals, or exploring strategies for enhancing family communication and cohesion.
Open and honest communication: We encourage family members to engage in open and respectful communication during the retreat. Our professional facilitators will help to guide discussions, help resolve conflicts, and ensure that everyone's voices are heard.
Team-building activities: In addition to discussions, our retreats include team-building activities and exercises aimed at fostering trust, cooperation, and understanding among family members. Taking full advantage of our beautiful location in the Peak District National Park, your family will experience incredible outdoor adventures that will allow you to reconnect with one another through the power of nature.
Skill-building and education: Our retreats often incorporate workshops and educational sessions on topics relevant to your family's goals and dynamics. These sessions can address areas such as effective communication, conflict resolution, financial literacy, succession planning, or generational wealth management.
Bonding and relaxation: Our holistic therapeutic team will devise a programme that allows family members to connect on a personal level, share experiences, and create lasting memories.
Follow-up and action planning: Supported by our expert team, you will leave the retreat with a clear action plan outlining the next steps, responsibilities, and timelines for implementing the agreed-upon goals and strategies. Regular follow-up meetings or check-ins are included as part of our suite of services to support your ongoing progress.
Family summit retreats can be beneficial for families seeking to improve communication, address conflicts, enhance family dynamics, and set goals for the future. Engaging the Montrose’s wide-ranging experts in business and family conflict resolution can transform your interpersonal relationships.
Each retreat is tailored to the specific needs and dynamics of your family and delivered with the utmost discretion by leading industry professionals.